Wednesday 1 February 2012

Analysis of the Preliminary Video

When completing the Preliminary Task which was set:
To film and edit a sequence including the following techniques:-
  • Using the 180 Degree Rule
  • Match-action shots
  • Shot/reverse shots
  • Smooth continuity editing
We had 2 attempts at the exercise.

 This is the first attempt at the preliminary exercise

This version of the preliminary video fulfils the criteria of using the 180 degree rule, match-action shots and relatively smooth continuity editing. However it doesn't show the shot/reverse shot techniques due to a technical error. Therefore we had to go back and re-shoot the scene with a close up of Character B (the male) in order to match the close up of Character A (the female).

This is the second attempt at the preliminary exercise

This does include the close-ups of Character B, however when editing we noticed that in his close-ups, the lighting was significantly different to the rest of the shots. This is because we had to share our filming location and it was being used for other purposes which led to more light in the area. This helped me realise the importance of continuity and I will ensure that the lighting in any shooting periods carried out over a few hours/days will be relatively similar. However, if at all possible I will try to use lighting which can be controlled, for example spotlights and studio lighting. 

Throughout the montage, aside from the lighting, the continuity is very smooth and effective. There are hardly any jumpy cuts and a lot of match-action shots which help disguise the cuts, for example walking through the door, the chin stroke and standing up to leave. However, when Character A sits down at the beginning, I feel that the editing is a bit too fast paced and a little bit jumpy. However it still runs fairly smoothly and overall, I am pleased with the editing in this sequence.

Completing the preliminary task has helped me to understand the basic techniques of film and has helped me explore the program (Adobe Premier) which I will be using to edit the main project.

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