Wednesday 8 February 2012

Analysis of the Opening Sequence from 'Double Indemnity'

This is the opening of 'Double Indemnity' a film from 1944. I have chosen to use this clip as part of my research as we are hoping to use 'film noir' as an inspiration for the main film task: To produce the Opening Sequence and Credits of a feature film.

This clip shows a chase sequence during which a car runs through a red light. This creates the feeling of enigma in which the audience wonders what the car chase is about. The music is orchestral and dramatic, adding to the suspense of the chase.
The shot cuts to a shot of the back of a man in a fedora and long coat. This medium-long shot adds to the feeling of mystery as we do not know the identity of this man.
He is greeted by a man who is much smaller than him. They go into an elevator and we see that the tall man seems to have a wound in his arm, this reveals part of the story, that this man could have come to the other man for help, after being wounded.
There is a short dialogue where the small man tries to make conversation with the tall man, who answers with short sentences. This creates an awkward feeling like the tall man is not wanting to talk to the shorter man, who it seems is just being polite. We see that the tall man has not come to the small man for help, but instead just to do to an insurance office.
The camera tracks behind the man, as if following him. He goes through the door and the camera tracks over the shoulder of the man to show what appears to be rows of tables at a lower level than what we are on. This camera movement makes the audience feel as though they are following the tall man into this room and the lack of dialogue creates enigma around the events as we wonder what this place is, why the man is wounded and what has happened.
We then see a low angle shot of the tall man as he walks along a balcony and into a door. This shot creates the feeling of superiority, and that the tall man is superior to the people working much lower down. The camera pans across as the man walks along, as if the camera was the eyes of one of the workers.
Then the opening ends. This is a good opening to study for my media piece as we are aiming to create a simple sequence which builds enigma and doesn't give too much of the story away, prompting the audience to keep watching, to find out who this man is, and why he is behaving in the way he is. In our piece, we wish to cause the audience to wonder why something is happening and if we were to create the full film, it would prompt them to keep watching. The shots are very basic, as is traditional to the era of film making. Overall, I feel this opening sequence is a good inspiration for the genre which I would like to do. However, I do not think that there is any intense moments which would grab the audience's attention, such as a murder or interrogation. I will take this into account as I plan for my piece.

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